Sure, I would LOVE to test your pattern.

Recently, I had the fun experience of being a pattern tester for three independent pattern designers.   Let me introduce them to you:

Itch to Stitch   Kennis Wong is the owner and designer of this pattern line.   While she received her masters of business from the University of Southern California, had careers in software and marketing – she now lives in Costa Rica with her husband.  … Read the rest

Show us your style Fashion Show June 20th

Event details

I’ve got a style, she’s got a style, he’s got a style….What’s YOUR style?  That’s what this year’s Plano ASG annual fashion show is all about.   Saturday, June 20th 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM at 4141 International Parkway, Carrollton, TX, United States



Sew up and show up with the creation that best reflect who you are and what you love.  

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Special Events brings Pamela Leggett to Plano

sold-out-bannerIs now Sold Out!!!  Waiting list option available

Are you ready to make that perfect garment but afraid that it will look homemade?  Many times the pattern directions are confusing and give poor results.  The difference between “just OK” and “fabulous” are often simple techniques in stitching, pressing and products.  Join us for an all-day Design Details Workshop led by Pamela Leggett that will show you many tricks-of-the-trade to make your garments look professional. … Read the rest

It’s a Wrap – 10 year anniversary of Plano Chapter Luncheon

The Plano Chapter of ASG celebrated 10 years of sewing friendships with a theme of another anniversary  – Diane Von Furstenberg’s iconic wrap dress celebrating it’s 40th year!




Our dynamic special events team  created  a contest theme which included  wrap garment, wrap outer wear and wrapped package categories.… Read the rest

It’s A Sewing Party!!!

Mark your calendars! November 8, 2014 is a first of its kind sewing and crafting educational event. If you love learning online The Sewing Party is the place for you. For one day sewing and crafting classes will be taught by leading bloggers and DIY educational experts.


Attendees will have the opportunity to attend over 30 classes, and will be able to access the classes 90 days after the event.… Read the rest

Not a size 2? Neither are most of the rest of us!

keep calm with curvesOne of the reasons you may sew is for fit.  I know I have fitting challenges with asymmetrical hips and a tummy that curves out instead of Jessica Rabbit concave.   Big and baggy, or stretched way too tight flatters no one.  How to gauge whether a style or pattern will look good on your figure?  … Read the rest

Indie Sewing Month


I never heard the term Indie Pattern Company until I started to research sewing related items on the internet. It didn’t take me long to figure out these companies are popping up everywhere. They are even showing up at sewing and quilting expos and specialty fabric stores.

It’s easy to overlook indie pattern companies for a number of reasons.… Read the rest

Week 6: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

It is hard to believe that this is the last session of this project. I would like to thank you for joining the Plano ASG chapter and me for our first (but surely not the last!) Sew Along. Our chapter has SEW many talented members, and you won’t want to miss what we present in the future.… Read the rest

Week 5: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

How is your dress/tunic coming along? Are you happy with it so far? I can’t wait to see all of them at our event.

1. I want to address the subject of “grading” a seam. When a seam is enclosed by a facing, collar, or cuff (just to name a few instances), it will lay flatter if the seam allowances are graded.… Read the rest

Week 4: Vogue 8897 Sew Along

Have you missed our Sew Along post this week?  I know I have been eagerly awaiting them. 

Since this is our very first attempt to host a sew along we are learning quite a lot!  Preparing and posting these blog tutorials is a significant amount of work, especially for Maggie and Louise! Read the rest

Linda Lee’s Sewing with Knits Workshop + Fashion Show

Plano Chapter of the American Sewing Guild presents Linda Lee’s Sewing with Knits Workshop

Workshop Details:

Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014 Time: 9 AM – 5 PM
Location: Christ United Methodist, 3101 Coit Road, Plano, TX (open map)
Cost: ASG Members –  $135; Non-members- $165

CLICK HERE to register for the workshop.Read the rest