How to Be Online Fabric Shopping Savvy

The Plano ASG Chapter met on Saturday, Oct 27. If you missed the annual luncheon, you missed a wonderful event! We were fortunate to have Rosalind Gaither of Sew Much Fabric (,) Katy, Texas, as our speaker. She has been in business since 1987.

Rosalind shared four important things to know when “Online Fabric Shopping.”… Read the rest

It’s a Wrap – 10 year anniversary of Plano Chapter Luncheon

The Plano Chapter of ASG celebrated 10 years of sewing friendships with a theme of another anniversary  – Diane Von Furstenberg’s iconic wrap dress celebrating it’s 40th year!




Our dynamic special events team  created  a contest theme which included  wrap garment, wrap outer wear and wrapped package categories.… Read the rest