Carol Boyd – Helping Those In Need

Carol Boyd has been leading the Community Service NG since 2013 simply because the group needed a leader and she just has a soft spot for helping anyone in need.

The group chooses items through the awareness of a need that are requested from a non-profit organization.… Read the rest

Dates for 2018 Retreat announced !

Mark your calendars February 1st – 4th 2018 Plano ASG Sewing Retreat!
Pack your bags & ride out to Sunset, Texas with us for 4 days/ 3 nights and enjoy prepared meals, lots of uninterrupted sewing time while having fun and learning with people that share your passion.  For information on the facility check out their website
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National Sewing Month Community Service Sew In

Free Community Sewing Event

Sunday, Sept. 13th 1:30 – 4:30 PM

Richardson Heights Recreation Center

711 W. Arapaho Road  Richardson, TX  75080

Experienced and Beginners welcome!   Never sewn before?  That is ok!  This is a great project to start.

We will be providing supplies, tools, notions and sewing machines or bring your own.… Read the rest

Carol & Jane at Children’s

Check out these cute pictures of Carol and Jane bringing finger puppets, blankets and hats to Children’s Medical Center, Legacy.

From July 1 to December 31 Plano ASG members donated over 592 hours of their time to make at least
529 items including fleece lap and baby blankets, receiving blankets, finger puppets, demise gowns
and gel pacs for preemies.… Read the rest

Finger puppets for Children’s

During the Plano ASG Chapter meeting of July, Jami showed us how to make finger puppets. She has been making the finger puppets for Children’s Medical Center for years and comes up with new designs every time. It is easy to make a variety of finger puppets, all beginning with the same base pattern.… Read the rest