by Nia Kelley-Jester
Materials Needed:
• Freezer Paper
• Laser or Ink Jet Printer – For this example, I used a Brother Laser printer and white muslin. Personally, I haven’t tried this process with an ink jet printer since I don’t own one, but it is reported to work. Disclaimer: Please test your materials. We can’t promise this will work for every printer/fabric combination. Proceed at your own discretion.
• Fabric
• Iron
• Scissors/Rotary Cutter
• Ruler
Time Investment: 5-10 minutes
Objective: To generate a letter-sized (8 ½” W x 11” L) sheet of bonded paper that will be fed through the printer.
Step 1
Cut a sheet of Freezer Paper 9” W x 12” L. It will be slightly larger than the finished product, to give us some extra working room. Ultimately, we will bond the freezer paper to the fabric and cut it to the letter size.
Step 2
Observe that freezer paper has a shiny side and a dull side. We will bond the shiny side of the freezer paper to the wrong side of the fabric.
Step 3
Using your iron, heat set the fabric to the freezer paper, wrong side of fabric to the shiny side of the freezer paper. Use a medium-high heat setting. You should strive for a smooth application, without bubbles.
Step 5
I used the manual feed tray of my printer to load the bonded paper, fabric side up. Your printer may vary.

Step 6
Remove the freezer paper from the fabric. The freezer paper should not leave any residue on the fabric.

Step 7
Heat set the printed image, using the highest possible iron setting appropriate for your fabric. Press both sides.
Reference YouTube videos:
1. Printing on Fabric using Freezer Paper and a Laser Printer
2. How to Print on Fabric with an Inkjet Printer and Freezer Paper
by Nia Kelley-Jester

Love the detailed instructions! Thank you
This is a great tutorial, Thank You.
I have been doing this for years…I make all my Quilt Labels this way and I also do some post card address pages this way too.
Shirley Rogers